Audio, Video and Books on the New World Order

Last Updated: 04/29/2021 22:10    | Print This Page | |



George H.W. Bush: New World Order

George W. Bush: New Order of the Ages

Gordon Brown: New World Order Speech

Niki Raapana - Communitarianism

There is an old social theory that in order to create a healthier planet, people everywhere must learn the value of collectivism. Its many proponents insist that individual rights and liberties pose a real threat to the health and safety of the "community at large. If we will just put the community before self-centered concerns, mankind can eliminate war and poverty. To many, it is our evolutionary destiny and our moral duty to comply with the spirit of community.

The founders of the Communitarian Network began "shoring up the moral, social and political environment" in the early 1990s. Today the communitarian theory is the basis for hundreds of new global rules and regulations eliminating individual rights, yet fewer than one percent of the affected population knows about it.

Communitarianism was embraced by leaders in every nation after it was financed by the international banking elite. Today the theory of community influences all aspects of life: news, science, money, law, land use, health, education, policing and employment, not to mention the arts, fashion, fundraising, causes and entertainment. Community is the buzzword on everybody's lips these days. - YouTube

More from Niki Raapana and the Anti Communitarian League.

I can see this being used during the war on the saints spoken of in the Bible. Daniel 7 | Revelation 13 During the time of great tribulation, there will be a war on those who hold the testimony of Yeshua and who refuse to worship the man of sin and participate in his New Age New World Order.

I can envision that the tattle telling of the community would be the biggest way to ferret out those who are non-conformist and who go against the new mandatory system. Those viewed as “fundamentalists” will be hunted down and eliminated from interfering with this new utopia-in-the-making for the greater good. What this video addresses and what Barak Obama has been moving toward regarding community service will make it very hard for anyone who holds to the testimony of Yeshua and the Word of God to not be faced with a choice that the Bible has stated is an eternal choice. Trust in the world or trust in God. Revelation 13:11-18 | Revelation 14:9-12


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